Care Planning & Management Software

Painless Transition
to Digitisation

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Connecting - Involving - Supporting

When there is already so much to do, CareShare takes the pain out of record keeping and streamlines handovers – no more writing things down.

CareShare has been developed with the people using it in mind; it is a simple but powerful tool that delivers the benefits of having your information digitised – record everything from Allergies to Activities, Reviews to Reminiscence and accurately evidence the quality of care you provide.

We understand the need to keep everyone informed. CareShare enhances communication, thereby improving care.  Information can be disseminated to team members easily and accurately freeing up time to concentrate on delivering the best quality care. Relatives can also be given access to information specific to their loved ones, for example appointments and activities. Customisable permissions allow you to choose what information you share –

You are in control

CareShare is intuitive and easily integrates with your existing processes

Access for All

Quickly benefit from improved information sharing between all Stakeholders

Transforming Care

Care Delivery

Build comprehensive records at a press of a button, capture everything that you do to make communication faster, more accurate and accessible. Enhance the care you deliver and release time to engage with the people you care for with instant access to up to date Care Plans.

Data can be entered either via individual dashboards or care plan sections via a global menu. Features include Case Notes interlinked with Outcomes, Activities and Appointments for individuals or groups, Body Maps to manage Skin Integrity, easy input for regular Monitoring, Adverse Events including flags created to prompt risk assessments and other interventions.

Contact us for more information.

Transforming Care

Admin & Reporting

You have control – CareShare enables you to create roles to assign for users and set individual levels of access.

The admin and reporting functions are fully integrated with care delivery.  Oversee and keep track of the care being delivered to each service user at a glance. Interrogate data, extract reports and carry out statistical analyses quickly and reliably.

Evidencing the care you provide to regulatory agencies is important; you have the option to give access to inspectors to speed up the inspection process.

Contact us for more information. 

Solutions for all Settings

CareShare is ideal for individual and multiple site Care Providers both residential and day-care

07916 281 927 or 07913 702 180

272 Bath Street, Glasgow. G2 4JR